Why should Recruiters seriously consider building a personal brand?
I think you have nothing to lose by intentionally trying to build a personal brand.
Over the past 6-12 months I have been trying to put more time and effort into my own personal brand. I think that it only has upside and more Recruiters should seriously consider taking some action with it!
HOWEVER I know as Recruiters deep down we’re all sales hungry professionals. So the immediate questions is ‘WELL HOW IS IT GOING TO MAKE ME MORE MONEY?’
So I just wanted to share my thoughts on what I have experienced over the past 6-12 months …
INBOUND MESSAGES – Every Recruiters dream … a candidate who you know you can help gets in touch with you directly. I did experience a lot more inbound contact from candidates but I would be lying if I said I have made 5+ placements from it. The people getting in touch hasn’t always been perfect however all it takes is one good person to get in touch and it’s all worth it. We spend hours sourcing for suitable candidates. So candidates reaching out to us should be every Recruiters dream! This is what personal brand can help with.
NETWORKING EVENTS – In the last 6 months I have attended a handful of networking events. I experienced the power of personal brand at these events! What did I experience? Well nothing extraordinary BUT what I did experience is a lot more warm conversations with individuals I hadn’t spoken to before. ‘I saw your videos/ posts on Linkedin’ was a common opening liner from people I hadn’t interacted with before. Did I make any more from these conversations, NO. But networking is all about saying hello and introducing yourself to as many people as possible. If you have people coming up to you and breaking the ice. This makes our job a lot easier!!!
YOU’RE ALWAYS AT THE TOP OF MY FEED – I have heard this a number of times from candidates and clients. This was always music to my ears. Even if someone sees your content but isn’t looking for a job or a client isn’t recruiting. You’re still just reminding them that you’re there if they need your help. This is the great thing about personal brand. You can touch/reach people who normally you would be limited to reaching by phone/ email/ text/ inmail.